ZHENG Jian,LU Huiguo,FANG Wenxian.Design of Miniature Ultrasonic Anemometer of Wind Speed and Direction Measurement for UAV[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2024,39(05):519-526.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2024.05.001]
- Title:
- Design of Miniature Ultrasonic Anemometer of Wind Speed and Direction Measurement for UAV
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2024)05-0519-08
- Keywords:
- UAV wind measurement; ultrasonic wind speed and direction instrument; FPGA; phase detection
- 分类号:
- P414
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 利用无人机搭载风速风向仪能很好地探测近地面风场结构,进行污染物溯源及污染物扩散速度和方向的预测,但受限于无人机尺寸,搭载的风速风向仪尺寸较小且有较高的测量精度。根据声共振原理设计了一款小尺寸的超声波风速风向仪,相比传统的超声波风速风向仪,设计采用非对发对收式结构,并使用国产FPGA进行相位检测,整机尺寸小巧,重量仅120 g,整机功耗低于0.5 W,风速风向测量精度接近于同类型超声波风速风向仪。并与TP-M12D超声波风速风向仪进行风洞实测对比,实测最大风速35 m/s,低风速时风速测量误差 0.5 m/s,较高风速时风速测量误差 5%以内,固定方位角下风速段内风速波动下风向测量误差 4°以内,不同方位角下风速测量最大误差在10%以内,可很好地应用于无人机测风中。
- Abstract:
- The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAVs)equipped with anemometers allows for effective detection of near-surface wind field structures,enabling source tracing of pollutants and prediction of pollutant dispersion speed and direction. However,the size limitations of UAVs require compact and highly accurate anemometer devices. In this paper,a small-sized ultrasonic anemometer is designed based on the principle of acoustic resonance. Compared to traditional ultrasonic anemometers,the entire design adopts a non-bidirectional transmission and reception structure and utilizes a domestically-produced Field-Programmable Gate Array(FPGA)for phase detection. The overall device has a compact size,with wind speed and direction measurement accuracy comparable to similar types of ultrasonic anemometers. It weighs only 120 g and consumes less than 0.5 W of power. Wind tunnel tests were conducted comparing it with the TP-M12D ultrasonic anemometer. The maximum measured wind speed was 35 m/s,with wind speed measurement errors within ±0.5 m/s at low wind speeds and within ±5% at higher wind speeds. Under fixed azimuth angles,wind direction measurement errors within ±4° were observed for wind speed fluctuations within the designated range,and the maximum wind speed measurement error under different azimuth angles was within 10%. These results demonstrate its suitability for wind measurements in UAV applications.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(42075129); 四川省科技计划(气象联合减灾专题)资助项目(2022YFS0541)