LAN Jingke,YANG Ling,SHI Chunxiang,et al.Identification of Severe Convection based on X-band Netted Radar[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2024,39(05):540-545.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2024.05.004]
- Title:
- Identification of Severe Convection based on X-band Netted Radar
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2024)05-0540-06
- 分类号:
- TN959.4
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 冰雹、暴雨等强对流天气对人类活动的危害巨大,但由于其发展迅速、结构复杂,对其进行自动识别非常困难。基于成都航空港、龙泉,资阳地区3部X波段雷达构成的雷达组网平台,利用雷达组网的高时空分辨率的体扫数据,在传统的U-Net网络基础上进行改进,提出一种基于U-Net语义分割网络的强对流天气识别模型。选取雷达组网中0.5°、2°、3.5°、5°、6.5°、8°和9°共7层仰角基数据中的径向速度和反射率数据,进行配准、归一化等预处理后形成模型训练所需的数据集。经实验验证,训练后得到的模型对强对流识别的结果比较好。
- Abstract:
- Severe convective weather, such as hail and rainstorms, does great harm to human activities, but it is very difficult to identify them automatically because of their rapid development and complex structure. Based on the radar network platform composed of three X-band radars in Chengdu Airport, Longquan, and Ziyang, this study improved the traditional U-Net network by using the bulk sweep data of the netted radar with high spatial and temporal resolution, so as to propose a strong convective weather recognition model based on U-Net semantic segmentation network. In this study, the radial velocity and reflectance data from seven layers of elevation base data of 0.5°,2°,3.5°,5°,6.5°,8°and 9° in the radar network were selected, and the data sets needed for model training were formed after pre-processing such as registration and normalization. The experimental results show that the trained model has a good result for strong convection recognition.
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