DING Xuling,ZHANG Tianyu,YANG Xianyu.Assessment of Simulation Effectiveness for Sand and Dust Weather Events in Northern China in 2015[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2024,39(05):608-617.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2024.05.014]
- Title:
- Assessment of Simulation Effectiveness for Sand and Dust Weather Events in Northern China in 2015
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2024)05-0608-10
- Keywords:
- WRF-Chem; dust weather process; Gobi desert area; 10 m wind speed; PM10
- 分类号:
- P463.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为更好地评估数值模式对中国春季沙尘天气的模拟效果,使用WRF-Chem模式模拟2015年春季发生在中国北方的7次沙尘天气过程,结合气象站地面资料与国家空气质量监测网络全国站点资料,使用3种统计参数(相关系数、平均偏差、均方根误差)对模拟结果进行系统性评估。结论表明,中国北方各区域地面气象要素模拟效果较好,但风速模拟值普遍偏高,导致戈壁沙漠地区的PM10质量浓度模拟值普遍高于观测值。因模式模拟沙尘远距离传输过程的能力较差,华北与东北地区模拟的PM10质量浓度值偏低。分析模拟时段典型城市,PM10质量浓度模拟值与观测值的相关系数均在0.55以上,除包头市,戈壁沙漠地区城市偏差在100~200 μg/m3,均方根误差在170~270 μg/m3,北京市偏差为-25.35 μg/m3,均方根误差为80.84 μg/m3。
- Abstract:
- To better evaluate the performance of numerical models in simulating spring dust weather in China,the WRF-Chem model was employed to simulate seven dust weather processes that occurred in northern China during the spring of 2015. By combining meteorological station ground data and national air quality monitoring network data from stations across the country. Three statistical parameters(correlation coefficient,mean bias,and root mean square error)were employed for a systematic evaluation of the simulation results. The following conclusions were derived from this study: The simulation results of ground-level meteorological elements in various regions of Northern China were generally satisfactory. However,the simulated wind speed values were generally higher,which led to the overestimation of PM10 concentration values in the Gobi Desert area compared to the observed values. The underestimated PM10 concentration values in North China and Northeast China were due to the poor ability of the model to simulate long-distance dust transport. Regarding the analysis of typical cities during the simulation period,the correlation coefficients between simulated and observed PM10 concentration values were above 0.55,except for Baotou City,where the deviation of the Gobi desert cities ranged from 100 to 200 μg/m3,and the root-mean-square errors were between 170 and 270 μg/m3. Beijing City had a deviation of -25.35 μg/m3 and a root-mean-square error of 80.84 μg/m3.
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