LI Nanxun,LIU Yan,LU Yunguo,et al.Research on Data Quality Control and Joint Wind Field Retrieval of Phased Array Radar[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2024,39(06):676-681.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2024.06.005]
- Title:
- Research on Data Quality Control and Joint Wind Field Retrieval of Phased Array Radar
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2024)06-0676-06
- Keywords:
- phased array radar; joint observation; 3D wind; quality control
- 分类号:
- TN957
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为有效增强对大气风场观测的准确性,基于多部相控阵天气雷达构建的雷达区域观测系统反演空间三维风场。研究了基于多轮退模糊的相控阵天气雷达径向速度的质量控制,基于质控后的径向速度和三维变分方法进行了三维风场反演。实验结果表明,二维多途径速度退模糊算法能很好地处理速度模糊的现象,纠正模糊的径向速度数据,三维变分方法提高了垂直风速反演的准确度。相控阵雷达时间和空间分辨率高,用其探测的数据反演风场不仅提高了风场反演的准确性和可靠性,为深入理解风场的空间结构和动态变化提供了有力的工具,且在中小尺度灾害性天气的监测分析及高准确率预报中起到关键作用。
- Abstract:
- To effectively enhance the observation accuracy of atmospheric wind fields,this paper retrieved the three-dimensional wind field based on the regional detection system constructed by multiple phased array weather radars.Firstly, this article studies the quality control of radial velocity of phased array weather radars by repeated de-ambiguity on the radial velocity. after quality control. Then the retrieval of the three-dimensional wind field was conducted with the radial velocities and the three-dimensional variational method. The experiment results showed that the two-dimensional multi-channel velocity de-ambiguity algorithm can effectively handle the phenomenon of velocity ambiguity,and correct the ambiguous radial velocity data. The three-dimensional variational method improved the accuracy of the vertical wind speed.The phased array radar has high temporal and spatial resolution,it not only improves the accuracy and reliability of wind field retrieval,and helps to deeply understand the spatial structure and dynamic changes of wind fields, but also plays an important role in monitoring and analyzing meso-and micro-scale catastrophic weather,as well as high accuracy forecasting.
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