XUE Lifu,ZHENG Jiafeng,LI Jinliang,et al.Research on Raindrop Size Distribution Differences Before and After the South China Sea Summer Monsoon Outbreak in Quanzhou Area[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2025,40(01):64-71.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2025.01.010]
- Title:
- Research on Raindrop Size Distribution Differences Before and After the South China Sea Summer Monsoon Outbreak in Quanzhou Area
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2025)01-0064-08
- Keywords:
- Quanzhou area; South China Sea summer monsoon; raindrop size distribution; Z-R relationship
- 分类号:
- P426.6
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为认识南海季风爆发对中国东南沿海降水微观特征的影响,利用2018-2022年福建泉州地区的激光雨滴谱仪资料,对季风爆发前后该地区不同雨强、不同降水类型的雨滴谱特征和差异进行研究,并提出了该地区季风爆发前后的反射率因子-雨强关系。结果表明:整体上,季风爆发后的中小雨滴数浓度高于季风爆发前,但大雨滴数浓度则更低,这种差异随雨强有一定变化,但差异的整体特征一致。季风爆发后,该地区层云降水的小雨滴和大雨滴的数浓度明显升高,中雨滴的数浓度变化不明显; 对于对流云降水,季风爆发后小雨滴的数浓度升高,但大雨滴数浓度明显降低。季风爆发对该地区的反射率因子-雨强关系也有影响,季风爆发前两类降水的乘数系数均比爆发后大,但指数均更小。
- Abstract:
- To understand the influence of the South China Sea monsoon outbreak on the microscopic characteristics of precipitation along the southeast coast of China, the raindrop spectrum characteristics and differences of different rain intensity and precipitation types before and after the monsoon outbreak were studied using laser raindrop spectrometer data from 2018 to 2022 in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, and the relationship between reflectivity factor and rain intensity before and after the monsoon outbreak was proposed. The results show that, on the whole, the concentration of small and medium raindrops after the monsoon outbreak is higher than that before the monsoon outbreak, but the concentration of large raindrops is lower. The difference varies with the rainfall intensity, but the overall characteristics of the difference are the same. After the onset of the monsoon, the number concentration of small raindrops and large raindrops in stratus precipitation increased significantly, while the number concentration of medium raindrops did not change significantly. For convective cloud precipitation, the number concentration of small raindrops increases after monsoon eruption, but the number concentration of large raindrops decreases significantly. The onset of monsoon also has an impact on the reflectance factor-rainfall intensity relationship in this region. The multipliers of the two types of precipitation before the onset of monsoon are both larger than those after the outbreak, but the indices are both smaller.
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(42205008); 中国气象局成都信息工程大学人工影响天气联合中心开放课题资助项目(2022GDRY006)