WANG Xinyang,ZHENG Jiafeng,HUANG Xuan,et al.Study on the Causes and Evolution Characteristics of a Typical Low-Level Wind Shear in Plateau Regions[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2025,40(01):72-78.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2025.01.011]
- Title:
- Study on the Causes and Evolution Characteristics of a Typical Low-Level Wind Shear in Plateau Regions
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2025)01-0072-07
- Keywords:
- laser radar wind; low-level wind shear; momentum transportation downward; evolution characteristic
- 分类号:
- P425
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 低空风切变是航空飞行的重大威胁。为研究高原低空风切变的成因和发展演变特征,利用激光测风雷达资料、机场自动气象站资料和欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA5再分析资料,对2022年2月14日发生在西宁机场的低空风切变过程进行分析和研究。结果表明,高空动量下传与冷空气活动是当天低空风切变的主要成因。在高空动量下传主导期间,上升和下沉气流交替出现,超过16 m/s的偏西风迅速从500 m高度下降到地面,强偏西风触地后与原偏南风形成了风向切变,切变随偏西大风逐步向东偏南,进而影响机场。冷空气主导期间,上升气流明显,东偏南的冷气流与先前的偏西风形成“弧形”风向切变,切变随东偏南风的逐渐增厚和动量加强,逐步向西偏北推进,进而影响机场。
- Abstract:
- Low-altitude wind shear is a major threat to aviation flight.To study the causes and evolution characteristics of low-altitude wind shear on the plateau,the low-altitude wind shear process at Xining Airport on February 14,2022 was analyzed and studied by using laser wind radar data,airport automatic weather station data,and ERA5 reanalysis data of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.The results show that the downward transfer of high-altitude momentum and cold air activity are the main causes of low-level wind shear during the day.During the period of high-altitude momentum downward transmission,the updraft and downdraft alternated,and the westerly wind of more than 16 m/s rapidly dropped from 500 m to the ground. After the strong westerly wind touched the ground, it formed a wind direction shear with the original southerly wind, and the shear gradually moved eastward and southward with the westerly wind, which affected the airport. During the period dominated by the cold air, the updraft was obvious, and the cold air flowed from the east to the south and the previous westerly wind formedan ‘arc’ wind direction shear. With the gradual thickening and momentum enhancement of the East-South wind, the shear gradually advanced to the west and north, which in turn affected the airport.
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