LIU Yuxin,LU Huiguo,WU Hao,et al.Analysis of Cloud Basement Height and Surface Solar Radiation Characteristics of Chengdu Shuangliu Airport[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2025,40(01):94-99.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2025.01.014]
- Title:
- Analysis of Cloud Basement Height and Surface Solar Radiation Characteristics of Chengdu Shuangliu Airport
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2025)01-0094-06
- Keywords:
- cloud basement height; Chengdu; solar radiation
- 分类号:
- P413.21
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 云底高度是重要的云宏观物理参数,地表太阳辐射占据全球辐射平衡的重要地位。云底高度与太阳辐射的定量化研究有利于加深对气象的理解,进而改进精细化城市气象预报; 对成都地区云底高度及太阳辐射的综合观测还可以加强对该地区云情况的了解与太阳辐射资源利用。基于成都双流航空港地区2021年9月至2023年2月的地基观测数据,对云底高度与地表太阳辐射特征进行研究,结果表明:季节循环上,成都双流航空港地区夏季云底高度较高,秋冬较低且数值接近,该区域天空大部分时间被云覆盖,与附近其他地区云特征类似。由于云的遮盖,该地区太阳辐射数据整体较低,太阳总辐射在夏季较高,约为540 W/m2,秋冬较低,平均在340 W/m2以下。四季太阳总辐射日变化趋势相近,均在12:00-14:00达到最高点且直接辐射均低于散射辐射。研究在评估和预测成都地区云特征及太阳辐射资源方面具有一定参考价值。
- Abstract:
- Cloud basement height is an important macroscopic physical parameter of clouds, and surface solar radiation occupies an important position in the global radiation balance. The quantitative study of cloud basement height and solar radiation is conducive to deepening the understanding of meteorology, and then improving the refined urban weather forecasting. The comprehensive observation ofcloud basement heightand solar radiation in Chengdu can also strengthen the understanding of cloud conditions and the utilization of solar radiation resources in theChengdu area. Based on the ground-based observation data from September 2021 to February 2023 in the Shuangliu Airport area of Chengdu, thecloud basement height and surface solar radiation characteristics were studied, and the results showed that the cloud basement height in the Shuangliu Airport area of Chengdu was higher in summer and lower and close in autumn and winter, and the sky in this area was covered by clouds most of the time, which was similar to the cloud characteristics of other nearby areas. Due to the cloud cover, the solar radiation data in the region are generally low, with the total solar radiation being higher in summer, about 540 W/m2, and lower in autumn and winter, with an average of less than 340 W/m2.The diurnal trend of total solar radiation in the four seasons was similar, reaching the highest point from 12:00 to 14:00, and the direct radiation was lower than the scattered radiation in all seasons. This study has acertain reference value in evaluating and predicting cloud characteristics and solar radiation resources in Chengdu.
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