WU Qiang,FANG Rui,HAN Bin,et al.Research and Analysison Students’ Achievement and PredictionModel based on Decision Tree and LMBP Neural Network[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2018,(03):274-280.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2018.03.009]
- Title:
- Research and Analysison Students’ Achievement and PredictionModel based on Decision Tree and LMBP Neural Network
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2018)03-0274-07
- Keywords:
- decision tree C4.5; LMBP; EDM
- 分类号:
- TP301.6
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 在大数据技术背景和建设智慧校园新阶段下,教育数据挖掘已成为一个新的潮流趋势。结合决策树和LMBP神经网路算法的优点,构建基于这两种算法的分析预测模型,并应用于教育数据挖掘中,实现了应用创新。实验证明通过决策树分析影响学生成绩的主要因子,并在LMBP神经网络模型进行分类预测拥有较单个模型更小的均方误差和更高的分类准确率。
- Abstract:
- Education data mining has become a new trend in the new stage of large data technology background and the construction of intelligent campus. Based on the advantages of decision tree and LMBP neural network, the analysis and prediction models were constructed and theywere applied in educational data mining for the first time to achieve application innovation. The experiment results show that the main factors which affectstudents’achievement are analyzed through decision tree, and the LMBP neural network model used forclassifying and predicating has smaller mean square error and higher classification accuracy than single model.
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