LIU Yinghu,HE Xiaoxi,MENG Fanlin,et al.A Parallax Mapping based Approach for Building Facade Modelling[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2025,40(01):42-48.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2025.01.007]
- Title:
- A Parallax Mapping based Approach for Building Facade Modelling
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2025)01-0042-07
- Keywords:
- parallax mapping; cone step mapping; procedural modeling; displacement map; surface modeling
- 分类号:
- TP312
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 现代城市建筑表面结构复杂,对其进行精细化建模非常困难,如何快速对建筑表面进行重建成为建筑建模领域的研究重点。提出一种基于视差映射的建筑表面建模方法,提供一套可以对建筑表面外观进行表达的建筑物表面组件2D基元库,通过提取基元库中基元模拟建筑表面细节,并根据基元的组合提取所需要的贴图数据,使用基于视差映射的方式对建筑表面添加细节,在视差映射过程中使用松散锥阶图对视差映射的RayMatching过程进行加速,最终结果可控可编辑。实验结果表明,该方法可以高效生成建筑模型,提供足够表面细节,快速修改建模结果,并且建模过程对非专业用户友好。
- Abstract:
- The complex structure of modern urban building surfaces makes it very difficult to model building surfaces in the refined way, and how to quickly reconstruct building surfaces has become a research focus in the field of building modeling. We propose a parallax mapping-based building surface modeling method, which provides a set of 2D primitive library of building surface components that can express the appearance of the building surface, simulates the details of the building surface by extracting the primitives in the primitive library, and extracts the required texture data according to the combinations of the primitives, and adds the details of the building surface based on the parallax mapping, and uses the loose cone order map to accelerate the RayMatching process of the parallax mapping in the parallax mapping. The RayMatching process of parallax mapping is accelerated by using a loose cone step map during the parallax mapping process. The final result is controllable and editable. The experimental results show that the method can efficiently generate building models with sufficient surface details, quickly modify the modeling results, and the modeling process is friendly to non-expert users.
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