KANG Lan,ZHU Ke-yun,ZHANG Jie,et al.The Featuer Analsis on Tibetan Plateau MCS Which Brings Heavy Regional Precipitation over Sichuan Basin[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2017,(04):402-408.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2017.04.010]
- Title:
- The Featuer Analsis on Tibetan Plateau MCS Which Brings Heavy Regional Precipitation over Sichuan Basin
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2017)04-0402-07
- Keywords:
- Sichaun basin; MCS; regional heavy precipitation; vapor transfer; atmospheric heat sources
- 分类号:
- P426.62
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 利用逐日降水资料和2010-2015年夏季FY-2卫星TBB资料综合分析引发四川盆地区域性暴雨的东移型高原MCS,结合ERA-Interim再分析资料从环流形势、水汽输送及热力条件方面对其成因进行分析。结果表明,夏季东移型高原MCS年均引发四川盆地的区域性暴雨3~5次,以6月和8月居多,日变化特征明显,午后与夜间有利于形成与发展; MCS主要起源于西藏东北部、川西高原北部与川西高原南部地区3个源地,约6~15 h后移入盆地,多集中在盆地西南区域造成暴雨天气。将MCS按源地分为3类,进一步分析表明,3类MCS初生阶段其高空影响系统均为南亚高压与东风急流,而低空影响系统则分别为:西藏东北部的高原切变线、青海东南部的高原低涡和川西高原的短波槽; 孟加拉湾至西藏东南侧克鲁河附近的水汽通道为3类MCS的形成提供了充沛的水汽条件,同时,大气加热导致的抽吸效应,进一步促进了MCS的形成,其发生频数与大气热源强度存在正相关关系。
- Abstract:
- Utilizing daily precipitation database and TBB data of FY-2 satellite from 2010 to 2015 in summer, the eastward-moving Tibetan Plateau MCS, which bring heavy regional precipitation over Sichuan Basin, were analyzed synthetically. And combining EAR-Interim reanalyzed data, the formation mechanism was studied in circulation feature, vapor transfer and thermal situation. The results show that the heavy precipitation in Sichuan Basin which was caused by summer eastward-moving Tibetan Plateau MCS is about 3 to 5 times annually, and happened most in June and August. The MCS has significantly daily variation, which always forms and develops in the afternoon and night. The MCS most generates in northeast of Tibetan Plateau, north of west-Sichuan Plateau and south of west-Sichuan Plateau. Then after about 6 to 15 hours, MCS moves into Sichuan Basin and concentrates in southwest mostly. Therefore, MCS is classified in 3 types by generation area, in further research, during the beginning period of this 3 types MCS, the high-level key systems are the South Asia High and Easterly Jet for all. But the low-level key systems are shear line in northeast of Tibetan Plateau, and Tibetan Plateau Vortex in southeast of Qinghai and short-wave trough in west-Sichuan Plateau for each type. Also the vapor transfer channel in the Bay of Bengal to Kelu river in southeast of Tibetan Plateau, provides abundant vapor condition for all there types MCS. At the same time, the drawing effect which was caused by atmospheric heating effect, conrtibuted to the generation of MCS. As a result, the correlation relationship between the frequent of MCS generation and the strength of atmospheric heat source is positive.
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收稿日期:2016-12-21 基金项目:国家自然科学基金重大研究计划资助项目(91537214)