HUANG Jie,WANG Yi.Experimental Study on the Structure of Convolutional Neural Network Suitable for Side Channel Analysis[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2019,(05):449-456.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2019.05.001]
- Title:
- Experimental Study on the Structure of Convolutional Neural Network Suitable for Side Channel Analysis
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2019)05-0449-08
- 分类号:
- TN911
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 侧信道分析中,对模板攻击的模板建立研究已经从高斯分布转变到使用机器学习算法来建立模板。比如使用支持向量机、神经网络等。但是使用神经网络进行侧信道分析时,网络结构的设计参数众多,找到合适的网络结构很困难。基于大量的实验研究,总结并提出适用于侧信道分析的卷积神经网络结构的经验,为今后设计侧信道攻击中的卷积神经网络提供依据。
- Abstract:
- In the side channel analysis, the template construct research of template attack has transformed from Gaussian distribution to machine learning algorithm. For example, use support vector machines, neural networks, and so on. However,when using neural networks for side channel analysis, it is difficult to find a suitable network structure due to the large number of design parameters of the network structure. Based on the large number of experimental studies, this paper summarizes and presents the experience of convolutional neural network structure suitable for side channel analysis. It provides a basis for designing the convolutional neural network in the future.
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收稿日期:2019-03-13基金项目:“十三五”国家密码发展基金资助项目(MMJJ20180244); 国家科技重大专项基金资助项目(2014ZX01032401); 四川省教育厅重点科研基金资助项目(17ZB0082); 四川省重点研发资助项目(2019YFG0096)