XIANG Jiahui,WEN Haoyu,JIAN Yuqi,et al.Design of Automatic Welding Motion Control Model for Complex Groove of Thick Wall Pipeline[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2024,39(05):553-559.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2024.05.006]
- Title:
- Design of Automatic Welding Motion Control Model for Complex Groove of Thick Wall Pipeline
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2024)05-0553-07
- Keywords:
- thick wall pipeline welding; complex compound groove; multilayer multichannel model; motor motion model; automatic welding control
- 分类号:
- TP29
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 针对提高厚壁管道焊接实际情况中复杂多变的复合型坡口的焊接精确性与稳定性,完成了复杂坡口自动焊接运动控制模型的设计,实现多轴焊接机器人更精确、稳定的自动焊接功能。模型通过坡口多层多道模型和多轴电机运动模型的整合,实现坡口的简化、层数道数的修正及通过数据处理得出控制器脉冲值与电机实际行程的关系,最终完成坡口的填充。且成型效果良好,无裂纹、气孔、夹渣等焊接缺陷,焊接质量较好,符合工业化的要求。该模型的建立解决了焊接中由人工视觉手动矫正焊枪位置的不精确和通过电流大小判断电弧相关信息存在噪声干扰大而不稳定的问题,为厚壁管道焊接中相对复杂的一类复合型坡口提供一套可行的理论依据,以提供更方便、精确的自动焊接控制。
- Abstract:
- To improve the welding accuracy and stability of complex and changeable compound grooves in the welding actual situation of a thick wall pipeline,the design of the complex groove automatic welding motion control model was completed,and the more accurate and stable automatic welding function of multi-axis welding robot was realized. Through the integration of the groove multi-layer and multi-channel model and the multi-axis motor motion model,the model realizes the simplification of the groove,the correction of the number of layers,and the relationship between the controller pulse value and the actual stroke of the motor through data processing. Finally,complete the groove filling,and the forming effect is good,with no cracks,pores,slag and other welding defects,the welding quality is good too,in line with the requirements of industrialization. The establishment of this model solves the problems of inaccurate correction of welding gun position by manual vision and unsteady judgment of arc information by current data because of high noise interference in welding. It will provide a set of feasible theoretical bases for a kind of complex compound groove in the welding of thick wall pipelines,and provide more convenient and accurate automatic welding control.
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