WANG Huajie,NIE Hai.A Low Pouer High Order Temperature-compensated CMOS Bandgap Reference[J].Journal of Chengdu University of Information Technology,2023,38(05):516-520.[doi:10.16836/j.cnki.jcuit.2023.05.004]
- Title:
- A Low Pouer High Order Temperature-compensated CMOS Bandgap Reference
- 文章编号:
- 2096-1618(2023)05-0516-05
- 分类号:
- TN432
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 研究一种高精度CMOS带隙基准电压源(BGR)电路,BGR电路由两个核心和一个曲率校正电路组成,包括电流镜和求和电路。两个核心电路采用传统电路结构,并具有向下的曲率特性。提出一种利用电流镜像电路来实现具有向上曲率特性的BGR核心。在BGR中选择合适的电阻,可以得到一个参考电压具有良好平衡的曲率下降特性,而另一个参考电压具有均匀平衡向上的曲率特性。将两个参考电压的相加以实现高阶曲率补偿。在3.3 V电源电压供电情况下,采用0.13 μm CMOS工艺可以产生1.2 V的基准电压,在200 ℃(-45 ℃~155 ℃)的宽温度范围内,使所提出的BGR电路的温度系数低至1.45 ppm/℃。电源抑制比为-67.5 dB@100 Hz、-45.0 dB@100 KHz,消耗电流为911 nA。
- Abstract:
- This paper designs a high precision CMOS bandgap reference voltage source(BGR)circuit. The BGR circuit consists of two cores and a curvature correction circuit, including a current mirror and a summation circuit. The two core circuits adopt conventional circuit structure and have downward curvature characteristics. This paper proposes a current mirror circuit to implement a BGR core with upward curvature.By choosing the appropriate resistance in the BGR, one reference voltage has a well-balanced curvature descent characteristic, while the other reference voltage has a uniformly balanced curvature upward characteristic, and the two reference voltages are combined to realize higher order curvature compensation. In the case of 3.3 V supply voltage, the reference voltage of 1.2V can be generated by CMOS process, and the temperature coefficient of the proposed BGR circuit can be as low as 1.45ppm /℃ in the wide temperature range of 200 ℃(-45 ℃-155 ℃).The power supply rejection ratio is -67.5 dB@100 Hz, -45.0 dB@100 KHz, and the consumption current is 911 nA.
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